Sunday, February 15, 2009

First love .....

What do you feel , when you think about your first love... That little smile on the face says it all ....Everythind fades with time , what does not fade is your first love .... First love a sincere emotion which make u feel like the first day of spring ....The experience of falling in love for the first time is graven on the heart of me , you and everybody ...... Whether love strikes first at eight, eigteen or eightty, it carries an emotional impress which cannot be blurred...First love is always foolish and little ignorant but truly it makes you feel ON TOP OF THIS WORLD.......

Sweet are the words of love, sweeter his thoughts:Sweetest of all what love nor says nor thinks.
- Richard Garnett

In all our losses, all our gains,
In all our pleasures, all our pains,
The life of life is: Love remains.
In every change from good to ill,--
If love continues still,Let happen then what will.
- Theodore Tilton
Happy valentines Day to all and do share your about your first love....


My Voice said...

Sharing First Love, well thats gonna be difficult more on the topic...dnt care much for Richard/Theodore's support:D


Nits said...

yups .. ezactlyy i need to build on the topic ...lets c .... but u share ur first love ....its not that difficult yaar...:)

praveen said...

my first love - dat seems to be a difficult question whthr it ws the maths teacher of class 6th, or vaishali g or the girl stayin in my neighbourhood...hehe

Dreamz-The dreamer said...

my first love brings a very fond memory, which is the time when i kicked you and kicked you hard and you still did not move away..or did u? i dont remember beyond kicking you :P

"if tactic is the nail, then strategy is the hammer"